This Week's Meet

Example on how to read the entry lists

The number behind the relay is the order to swim in the relay. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. 

In the Med relay, the order is Back (1), Breaststroke (2), Fly (3), Free (4)

7-3-24  @ Algona

7.3.24 meet program draft 2.pdf

Meet Program Draft 1

updated: 2:10pm 7.2.24

7.3.24 alg entry list draft 2.pdf

Algona Entries

updated: 2:10 pm 7.3.24

7.3.24 laurens entry list draft 1.pdf

Laurens Entries

updated: 10:50pm 7.2.24

7.3.24 alg entry list draft 1.pdf

Algona Home Meet

Pool closes at 4:00

Meet Set up @ 4:01

Warm ups @ 4:30?

Visiting Teams Warm ups @ 5:00 Lanes 1-4 (Alg 5-8)

Meet Starts @5:30

07-03 24 Algona Meet Sign up

Use these entry lists to help locate swimmer events in the actual meet program. These are not guaranteed to be what is in the program but will help get you close. Coaches will try to mark arms with events heats and lanes if possible